FWC to Host Florida State-Fish Art Contest


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in partnership with Wildlife Forever, is eager to announce they will host the Florida State-Fish Art Contest. Students K-12 can compete in this free contest for a chance to win state and national honors and prizes.

Florida winners will be selected by the FWC in four grade categories, kindergarten through third grade, fourth through sixth grade, seventh through ninth grade and tenth through twelfth grade. State winners will advance to the National Competition to be judged for top prizes such as the Best of Show.

The deadline to enter is March 31, 2021, so start designing today!

“We are committed to increasing youth participation in freshwater and saltwater fishing through this effort,” said Eric Sutton, Director of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. “The State-Fish Art program is a unique and creative way to connect to youth anglers and the FWC is proud to be sponsoring the initiative for Florida.”

To enter, students from Florida should submit their entry consisting of the following:
– An original horizontal 9”x12” piece of artwork featuring any fish from the Official Fish List.

– A piece of creative writing, no longer than one page, about the chosen species (required for grades 4-12).

– A Florida State-Fish Art Contest entry form.

Participants may choose to mail their entry to:
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
ATTN: Laura Rambo, Florida Fish Art Contest
620 S Meridian Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Participants also have the option to submit photos or a scanned copy of their entry to R3@MyFWC.com. For contest information, entry forms and the Fish On! Lesson Plan, visit www.StateFishArt.org.