Kudos To Jan And Janeen


Jan Fleming and Janeen Paulauskis have been nominated for the Fort Myers Beach Citizen of Distinction Award for their #WeAreFMB campaign. The award recognizes an outstanding citizen who’s made an exceptional contribution to the town. The winner is are chosen by the town council.

The Town Council will consider how the nominee has enhanced the name of the community through positive exposure and what exceptional contribution the nominee has made to the community. The Town Manager forwards nominations to the Town Council for their selection.

The winner will be honored during a Town Council meeting. At this time the recipient will receive a presentation from the Mayor and Council and a small engraved plaque dedicated to the recipient will be placed on the Citizens of Distinction perpetual wall. The recipients will be afforded the opportunity of serving as the Grand Marshalls in the Town’s next 4th of July parade.

Make your nomination HERE.

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