New COVID Cases at Lowest Levels in Two Months


According to Lee County Commission Chairman Brian Hammon, for the first time since mid-June, the average number of new Covid-19 cases in Lee County is below 100. Over the last 7 days, an average of 91 new cases have been confirmed each day. At our peak last month, that same average was 489 new cases per day.

And Hammon says fewer cases have led to fewer hospitalizations. “Today, 10% of the patients system-wide at Lee Health are positive for Covid-19. Over the last 7 days, Lee Health has averaged 124 Covid positive patients system-wide.”

And for the second consecutive week, 94% of the tests came back negative. Lee County’s 7 Day Moving Average of the Test Postivity Rate is at 5.9%.

Follow Hammon on Facebook. He updates the COVID-19 numbers every Wednesday