Open For Business


Another business is open on Fort Myers Beach. Distinctive Beach Rentals area manager Tom Holevas tells Beach Talk Radio News the Vacation Rental Management company is open for business.

Distinctive Beach Rentals managed close to 400 rentals on the island. Immediately after the storm, Holevas says his company was checking on properties for owners, assisting in debris removal, contacting guests about reservations and meeting insurance adjusters. “one of my team lives on the island and is currently working from home along with our maintenance team and myself are driving on the island daily because our 3 offices were all destroyed from the storm surge.”

Holevas says yes, the company lost the majority of their 400 properties that they managed. “But we do have properties that are available on the island and in Cape Coral for local families, workers, or even that person that still wants to come down and get out of the cold.”

HERE and HERE are the properties Distinctive has open on Fort Myers Beach.
Check them out online HERE.
Follow them on Facebook HERE.