Shell Museum Shines Light on Kids


The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum recently announced the launch of two new children-focused educational programs. They focus on the Girl Scounts and birthday parties.

The first originated in collaboration with the Girl Scouts of Gulf Coast, and is available to any interested Girl Scouts Troop. During the 60-minute program, a Museum Marine Biologist leads a group of up to 8 Girl Scouts and 2 Troop Leaders through the Beyond Shells Living Gallery and provides an introduction to the animals that grow the shells, along with hands-on classroom activities. Girl Scouts earn a Shelling Patch after completion of the program.

The second is the creation of a fun and educational children’s birthday party experience. Partygoers will explore the Living Gallery with a Marine Biologist, and then have access to a private room for shell crafting and celebrating.

For more information or to book a program, visit or contact Kelsey Hausmann at