Taste of The Beach Was a Smashing Success


Over 100 volunteers, 15 food trucks and restaurants and 38 vendors and non-profits took part in the 25th Annual Taste of The Beach Sunday. One of the attendees was Lee County Commissioner Ray Sandelli, who joined us on our live broadcast during the event.

This year the event was held at the Shrimp Dock Bar and Grill parking lot off the island because of the uncertainty around obtaining permits due to the Fort Myers Beach town’s COVID rules. Applications for special permits are considered on a case-by-case basis by the town manager.

Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jacki Liszak tells beach Talk Radio News it’s too early to tell where the event will be held this year. “We do not know how it will look next year. We will need to talk to partners and consider the event expenses before we make a decision. We want to thank Salty Sam’s and the team at Shrimp Dock Bar & Grill for hosting us.”

Liszak also said feedback from the Sunday event has been 99% positive so far.

A secret panel of judges voted on the best tasting foods at the event. Here are the winners: