Thank You Fort Myers Beach


(By Fire Chief Matt Love) Hello Fort Myers Beach, San Carlos Island, and surrounding communities. I hope you have enjoyed the summer season. As many of you know, I have been communicating with our Board of Fire Commissioners over the last several months while our family entertained some national fire chief recruitments. Though an incredibly difficult decision, we have asked the Board to begin the process of selecting the next fire chief.

Our family is excited about this next chapter and know the fantastic relationships we have established in the Fort Myers Beach community will last a lifetime. We cannot thank the Board of Fire Commissioners enough for their support in this process. In addition, the amazing wishes from this community over the last few weeks have been heartwarming.

Though we have accepted an offer to serve in another organization, we have been waiting to announce the location, out of respect for our new community’s timeline. Today we have been given the support to let you know that we will be heading back to the mid-west, and close to our family.

I have accepted the Fire Chief position in St. Cloud, Minnesota, just hours from my wife’s family in Nebraska and my family in Colorado! We believe this remarkable city and fire department will be a wonderful fit for our family and brings with it new growth challenges and an impressive community-centered service approach.

Chief Matt Love and his family

Though we have begun the process of transition, we remain committed to the Fort Myers Beach Community each day. I look forward to spending a few more months with those who have been so great to us.

Our family continues to be thankful for the love and support this community has shown us from the first day we arrived. I will be concluding my service in early December and sincerely hope to see many of you in-person one last time. It has truly been an honor to serve you.

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