Town Modifies Trailer Rules


The Fort Myers Beach Town Council announced today that property and business owners can now register to have recreational vehicles, mobile homes, trailers, retail stores, or food trucks.

Councilman Dan Allers, who’s been pushing hard to get this issue through, and suggested it at a previous council meeting, said, “The unanimous vote by Council to get people into temporary homes and businesses while they rebuild is a tremendous step for our community. It will allow workers to get back to work and homeowners a small sense of normalcy. The rebuild process will be a long, hard road but working together we will make our way through.”

Requirements to receive a permit:

    1. The applicant must be the property owner/commercial tenant of the lot and the vendor must have a Lee County Tax-ID; or with the Town’s consent, have the permission of the property owner to operate at that location (permission must be supplied with registration form).
    2. All vehicles and structures must be completely on the lot and may not extend into the public right-of-way.
      1. Vehicles/structures must be oriented to be parallel to the right-of-way and there must be sufficient separation so that all commercial activity takes place entirely on the applicant’s lot. A site sketch must be provided as part of the application.
    3. Vehicles and structures must be setback by no less than the width of the vehicle/structure (i.e. track width) from any property line and not protrude into the right of way.
    4. Food Service Kitchens are permitted on their brick-and-mortar commercial site that is zoned for that type of activity.
      1. Other retail stores may not accommodate food trucks.
    5. Must be placed on a solid concrete slab, pavers or similar hard surface, stabilized surface or a tarp placed under the vehicle/ structure.
  • Temp power/utilities must be properly installed within 14 calendar days of application. Go to the dark orange sand dollar on the homepage of the town’s website for details –
  1. Vehicle and mobile home must be on wheels and be able to quickly disconnect utility connections and be removed from the property after a hurricane watch has been issued.

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