Beached Manatee By Pink Shell Rescued


The crowd gathered behind the Pink Shell Thursday when a young manatee was spotted on the beach. Ranger Robert Howell (pictured here), who works for the Pink Shell, sprung into action. He called FWC and educated the crowd on what might have happened.

Howell told Beach Talk Radio News that the manatee was breathing healthy when FWC arrived to take the manatee to a rescue facility. “If everything goes well, the manatee should be released in the future. No telling signs as to exactly what was wrong. Best guess would be cold stress.”

Watch Howell explain to the crowd what might have happened…

Howell said the manatee was a juvenile but still probably old enough to be on its own.

FWC and LCSO remove manatee from beach behind Pink Shell

A BIG Thank you to Patrice Paraventi O’Donnell and Amy Jean Ham for being our on-the-spot reporters. We shipped them both a brand new Teal Times Square Clock T-shirt for their hard work and dedication to reporting news about your piece of paradise.


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