Another Gift Card Distribution
The FMB Community Foundation will be doing another Gift Card distribution December 7-11, to help local workers get ready for Christmas. The Foundation is encouraging Fort Myers Beach business owners to notify them at if they have employees having trouble making ends meet.
Council To Pick Mayor on Monday
The Mayor is not an elected position on Fort Myers Beach. The charter requires council to choose its own Mayor and Vice Mayor every year by a vote. They could decide to keep Ray Murphy on as Mayor for a year, or vote in another council member.
Chamber To Host After Hours at Shuckers
A special Business After Hours is being held Wednesday night at Shuckers on Estero Boulevard from 5:30 to 7:00. The restaurant will be unveiling a new menu during the event. The event is free for Chamber members, $15.00 for non-members. Register HERE.
You Saved The Clock
The Fort Myers Beach Town Council made it clear that they all received a lot of feedback that both residents and visitors wanted a clock to be part of a redeveloped Times Square. And that's what will happen.
The Arches Get a Lifeline
Just when it looked like there was no place left for the old arches to be reconstructed, there's new life for the remains of the stone structure that welcomed resident and visitors to the beach.
You Did It Again!
Kathy Delbalzo and Paula Smith (who were on Episode #139 of Beach Talk Radio) let us know that The Salvation Army Angel Tree program was a smashing success this year. Here's what they told us...
Sun Saver Passport Now Available
The Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau has launched a free mobile-exclusive savings passport for both residents and visitors. Users will have access to exclusive deals on attractions, restaurants and experiences throughout the destination.
Tune in to BTR To Follow The Boat Parade
We'll be broadcasting the 2020 Chamber of Commerce Boat Parade LIVE on our Facebook and YouTube pages Saturday night from Nervous Nellie's. The parade begins at 6PM from Salty Sam's Marina and will include 23 boats of all sizes decorated with holiday lights.
Who Doesn’t Love History?
The town of Fort Myers Beach is looking for volunteers to serve on the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee. The Local Planning Agency serves as the Town's Historic Preservation Board under its Land Development Code. The Board has the power, authority, and jurisdiction to designate, regulate, and administer historical, cultural, archaeological, and architectural resources in the Town.
Sanibel To Consider Banning Alcohol To Fight COVID
The Sanibel City Council will discuss a permanent alcohol ban on the beach when it meets today. Back in June the council voted to temporarily ban alcohol on the beach, thinking that might keep COVID-19 numbers down. Today they will discuss making the ban permanent.
Lani Kai Owner To Town: “We’re Watching You”
Lani Kai owner Ken Conidiaris has sent a letter to the town council warning them that the hotel's legal team is keeping an eye on who they might appoint to its Nuisance Abatement Board. Conidiaris is worried several members being considered for that board have a bias toward his hotel.