Pine Island Fair Set For November 28th

Support small businesses during Small Business Saturday. The Pine Island Arts & Crafts Fair will be held Saturday, November 28th from 9am to 4pm. You'll mingle with local artists and crafters from all over Southwest Florida, delicious food from food truck vendors.

On The Show Tomorrow Live From Pete’s

Over the years Jim and Sharon Jamieson have helped hundreds of kids have a better Christmas through their Spirit of Christmas Foundation. Brett Baugh joins us to explain how this year will be a little different. Plus Kathy Delbalzo and Paula Smith join us to talk about the Salvation Army Angel Tree which benefits the FMB Library and Garden Club.

Should FMB Be Getting More Money From Lee County?

Both Mayor Ray Murphy and Town Manager Roger Hernstadt believe Fort Myers Beach should receive more funding from Lee County because the beach is such an important county destination. The conversation about being short-changed came up during the last town council meeting when TDC funds were being discussed.

Lee County Approves $1.3 Million For Beach

The $1.3 million is coming to the beach from the Tourist Development tax. Only the City of Sanibel received more ($2 million) from the $3.5 million set aside for beach and shoreline projects.

Kudos To Deputy Justham

Lee County Sheriff's Deputy Ryan Justham was chosen as the Deputy of the month on Fort Myers Beach. He was presented with a certificate Thursday afternoon at Nervous Nellies, during the monthly Chamber of Commerce luncheon, by Executive Director Jacki Liszak.

Eta Turns Fort Myers Beach Into A Lake

Wednesday was another hellish day for businesses on the beach. After many closed down Monday, in anticipation of Tropical Storm Eta (only to see the sun shining by afternoon), the storm regrouped out on the Gulf and walloped the island Wednesday.

Congratulations to The 2020 Mermaid Contest Winners.

The 2020 Mermaid Festival, produced by Blue Ribbon Events, is in the books. Here are all the contest winners from the event that was held at Lovers Key, November 6th through the 8th.

Mooring Field Deadbeats

The Town is doing what it can to rid the mooring field of tenants who don't pay their bills to use the service the town provides to boaters. According to court documents the town filed three lawsuits on October 30th to start the eviction process of boat owners who have delinquent accounts.

Councilman Allers Tests Positive For COVID

Fort Myers Beach Councilman Dan Allers has tested positive for COVID-19. He believes he caught it from a friend who notified him that he tested positive last week. Allers says he's feeling fine with just a slight dry cough and a runny nose "similar to a cold." His wife Megan feels fine and is no symptoms. Both are quarantining for 10 days

Will “Season” Be Successful On The Beach?

We all remember watching the 2019-2020 season come to an agonzing and abrupt hault when it was clear COVID-19 was a serious health concern. The Town Council, at the time, struggled with having to cancel the biggest annual event on the beach for the first time ever, The Shrimp Festival.

You Say Save The Clock

In our Monday morning Facebook question, we asked you whether or not you'd like to see the Times Square clock stay when the town redevelops the area. An overwhelming majority of you want to see the clock survive the changes. The current plans call for the removal of the clock. You can also share your opinion with your elected officials HERE.

Times Square Restaurants Hampered by Eta

All restaurants in Times Square will be back open today after many of them closed Monday when the town ordered outdoor tables be moved out of the square in anticipation of Eta. And, as luck would have it, the sun was shining brightly by the afternoon Monday proving once again that these storms can change direction quickly.