Our Saturday Pub Crawl is Rain or Shine


The Beach Talk Radio 2nd Annual Day Before Father’s Day Pub Crawl to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Community Foundation Saturday starts at Noon. The Crawl is Rain or Shine. If it’s raining these beach businesses are going to need us there spending money and whooping it up more than ever.

We’ll have prizes from local businesses and 50-50 raffles at these beach locations:

12PM – License to Chill at Margaritaville
12:30PM – The Lighthouse Tiki Bar
1:00PM – La Ola
1:30PM – Suzy Q’s
2:00PM – Rude Shrimp
2:30PM – Nervous Nellie’s
3:00PM – Wahoo Willie’s

If you would like to donate a prize for us to give away to help make this fundraiser bigger please contact Marie by e-mail at mschleiffer1208@gmail.com

No reservation required. Simply show up at License to Chill at Noon and join the crowd. Please wear a Beach Talk Radio yellow shirt if you have one for our group photo at Bayside Park.

Last year we raised over $5,000 and made some great memories.


  1. I wish you would do a “shotgun” start at all the locations and move on to the next one every half hour. We had a great time last year but it was crazy packed and difficult to get a drink or get involved for the 50/50 or prizes.


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